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Recent News and Legislative Updates

On Monday, November 17, 2008, the Rules and Regulation Hearing was completed at the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA). The applications for state registration will be available on 12/1/2008 at: http://www.…

Minnesota Update on Licensing Effort

This email is being sent by ABMP at the request of the Alliance for Licensing Massage Therapists (ALMT). ABMP will continue to represent members with this organization. If you're interested in becoming more involved you can register…

The Indiana State Board of Massage Therapy intends to hold a public hearing on the proposed rules (LSA Document #08-351 and…

View ABMP's comments on the proposed rules for establishments.

The Board of Registration of Massage Therapy will be hosting a public hearing scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Friday, October 31, 2008 at 239 Causeway…

The Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) is hosting an information session on Saturday November 8, 2008 from 9am-noon. The purpose is to provide professionals impacted by new legislation (i.e. Massage Therapists and Occupational Therapists) with information regarding the Department and the…

While implementation of the new regulations is still months away, this preliminary guidance will help you plan and prepare for SB731.

House Bill 2499, a legislative proposal to license massage therapists, was signed into law by Governor Rendell yesterday. The law requires the governor to appoint a regulatory board to implement the law. The board will consist of six massage therapists, two members of the public, and three…

House Bill 5651, sponsored by Representative Paul Condino, passed the Senate Economic Development and Regulatory Reform Committee unanimously on Wednesday, September 24th. The bill would require massage therapists to obtain a state license to practice and create a board of massage therapy to…

On Saturday, September 27, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB 731 into law. When fully implemented, the new law makes available regulatory relief for the nearly 40,000 individuals practicing massage therapy in California.

Today is not the end of a now six year…

The massage certification bill was "enrolled" in the past 24 hours, meaning it was sent from the legislature to the Governor's desk. Along with SB 731 went several hundred other bills, so the Governor and his staff will be busy. The transmission of these bills was made after legislative leaders…