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View ABMP's comments on the proposed rules for establishments.

The Board of Registration of Massage Therapy will be hosting a public hearing scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Friday, October 31, 2008 at 239 Causeway Street, Second Floor, Boston, MA, 02114. Interested parties will be given an opportunity to present testimony orally or in writing at the hearing regarding proposed rules for massage therapy establishments. You may also mail or e-mail your comments.

To view the proposed rules, go to:

Please note that all massage establishments will have to be registered with the board so it is important that you read the proposed rules. The only exceptions provided are mentioned on page 2:

(8) Exemptions
(a) A Massage Therapy Establishment license is not required for the following:
1. Any healthcare facility licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health;
2. Locations at which Massage Therapy services are rendered only on an Occasional or Outcall basis.
3. Board approved continuing education programs; and
4. Locations at which Chair Massage is exclusively done.
5. Locations at which massage therapy is offered for not more than twenty-four
(24) hours in a one week period every six (6) months at a public or charitable
event with a primary purpose unrelated to massage.

Occasional is defined as no more than eight (8) hours in a one-week period.

Fees for an establishment license would be $50 for a Solo Establishment License and $150 for a Multiple Establishment License. This is in addition to your massage therapy license.

If you are unable to attend the hearing, written comments may be mailed to:

Attention R. Ann Constable, Executive Director
Board of Registration of Massage Therapy
239 Causeway Street, Fifth Floor
Boston, MA 02114

Written comments may also be e-mailed to