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ABMP Podcasts for Massage Therapists & Bodyworkers

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Exploring the issues and challenges unique to the massage and bodywork community.

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A contributor sent me several descriptions of people dealing with the aftermath of Lyme disease, hoping for some answers. Sorry, no answers here—just more questions.

To get a solid understanding of the tensor fascia lata (TFL), it’s important to first understand its function. But to understand its function, one needs to clearly grasp its tendon—the IT band.

Business or Pressure host Allissa Haines walks through the basics of creating a personal budget, which ultimately could help your business budget.

Join Kristin Coverly as she asks massage and bodywork experts Les Sweeney, Whitney Lowe, and Ruth Werner “What’s a common challenge for you and how do you overcome it?”

In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Doug Nelson explores the fascinating connections between the artistry and structure of music and a well-crafted massage therapy session.

Managing an irregular income and planning for less predictable expenses is a big challenge for many business owners, especially massage therapists.

For his 40th birthday, a man is treating himself to his very first massage. His health history includes a few noteworthy details. Are there any potential concerns? Possibly.

Allison unpacks her favorite anatomical system and how it plays a role not only in our clients' soft tissue health, but also how we approach them.

What kinds of accounts do I need in my small business? We go beyond the usual “checking and savings” to determine what serves you well now and in the future.

Darren and Kristin are joined by Jason Erickson to explore Gate Control Theory and Dermoneuromodulation, two key concepts in pain science.

Money moves in and out of your business. Are you tracking it? Allissa walks through the what and how of cash flow, and how to get a grip on it.

Ruth Werner speaks with Rob Kelly about his observations on how easy it is to misunderstand how the body works and how these stories we tell ourselves can have negative consequences.