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ABMP Five-Minute Muscles App: Muscle Facts & Anatomy for Massage Therapists


ABMP Five-Minute Muscles is an exciting members-only app that lets massage therapists and bodyworkers quickly and easily refresh your anatomy and muscle knowledge wherever and whenever with just a few clicks.

Exclusively available as a benefit of ABMP professional membership, or for students as part of ABMP Exam Coach Plus, ABMP Five-Minute Muscles covers the seven muscle regions and 83 muscles most often addressed by professional massage therapists, giving you muscle actions, origins, and insertions, plus muscle-specific palpation and technique videos from master massage therapist Clint Chandler, and illustration and cadaver dissection videos from Dr. Joe Muscolino.

ABMP members, take 5 minutes now and see how easy it is to get muscle facts at your fingertips! Not a member? Explore the levator scapulae in this demo version.

If you’re not an ABMP member, you can get ABMP Five-Minute Muscles, ABMP Pocket Pathology, hundreds of hours of free CE in the ABMP Education Center, professional massage liability insurance, and much, much more by joining today!


How Can I Use the ABMP Five-Minute Muscles App?

Whether you use it as a fun and helpful review in your off hours or an emergency check-in between clients or after intake, ABMP Five-Minute Muscles is intuitive, easy to use, and ready to bring you results that can support your hands-on work. Here are a few ways our ABMP staff massage therapists have used the app:

  • Review a muscle before a client session.
  • Show a client the muscles you’ll work on.
  • Quiz yourself, or a fellow massage therapist.
  • Conduct an in-depth muscle review plan.
  • Quickly refresh yourself on a muscle after client intake.
  • Learn new muscle-specific techniques.
  • Practice your palpation along with the videos.

Interested in seeing how it works? Try a demo to explore muscle-specific technique videos and information about the levator scapulae.

Sample Technique Video from ABMP Five-Minute Muscles


Getting Started with ABMP Five-Minute Muscles for ABMP members

  1. Log in to your ABMP membership for access, or go directly to ABMP Five-Minute Muscles.
  2. Choose the region of the muscle



    (Pro tip: If you know the muscle you’re looking for, use the search function to get there even faster)!



  3. Find your muscle either by name, or by scrolling through the pictures and recognizing its location.
  4. Explore the facts, or dig deeper and watch videos with specific tips for palpating and working on your muscle of choice.
    (Pro tip: You can “favorite” a muscle using the star function to save it for later, plus ABMP Five-Minute Muscles automatically tracks the last five muscles you’ve visited).
  5. Repeat! 

ABMP Five-Minute Muscles is just the beginning of the continuing education and resources that are readily available to our members. Explore all benefits of ABMP membership and transform your career as a professional massage therapist.