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Michigan Board of Massage Therapy


This notice is intended to give those interested in applying for a board appointment a better idea of the task at hand, time commitment, and reimbursement. Of the eleven members appointed to the board, seven will be massage therapists and four will be public members.  The board will receive guidance from professionals within the Department of Community Health (DCH) to write rules and regulations to implement the new law. DCH provides a general framework and the board fills in the details.

Here are a few examples of what the board will discuss and create policies on:

  • Set criteria for school and curriculum approval.
  • Choose acceptable entry-level exam(s).
  • How to recognize foreign-trained practitioners.
  • How to implement reciprocity or endorsement for LMTs moving to Michigan.
  • Review acceptable continuing education.
  • Creation or adoption of a code of ethics.

The time commitment involved will depend on the level of involvement board members choose to have. On average, boards meet every month or every other month for about a half day. However, it is common for boards to break up into subcommittees to work on specific policies; these may include an education committee and a disciplinary committee. Committee work could mean an additional time commitment.

ABMP encourages members looking for a meaningful volunteer experience within the massage profession to apply for a position on the board. Board members will be reimbursed for mileage driven, are required to be residents of Michigan, and have practiced massage therapy for at least 2 years.

Download the application and questionnaire. Every applicant is required to complete both forms and return them to:
Office of the Governor
Attention Appointments Division
111 South Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI 48909

Or by email:
Or by fax at (517) 335-7899
