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Recent News and Legislative Updates

The Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing (DRL) is now accepting applications for licensure. All massage therapists are required to become licensed by December 1, 2010 in order to continue practicing. This is a very tight deadline but the good news is, if you are diligent in…

As previously reported, ABMP recently helped develop a Sunrise Application for the state of Vermont. The sunrise process is a preliminary assessment of the massage therapy profession conducted by the Vermont Office of Professional Regulation (OPR) to determine whether, in its opinion, the…

ABMP is happy to report that, on September 30, 2010, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed AB 1822. In his veto message he stated:

“This bill is unnecessary and inappropriately requires specific law enforcement association appointments to the California Massage Therapy Council…

For the last few months AB 1822 has been making its way through the legislative process. In its original form, the bill would have significantly gutted the authority of the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) and the certification process enacted under SB 731 (Oropeza) in 2008. In its…

The law and proposed rules, September 9, 2010

The law (ACT 118) passed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 2008 provided for the regulation of massage therapists and established the State Board of Massage Therapy to…

Governor David Paterson signed SB 5431 into law on August 30, 2010 after the bill was rushed through the legislature. The law will require massage therapists to complete 36 hours of continuing education during each triennial registration period. Of this, a maximum of twelve hours may be self-…

For several months, ABMP has worked (primarily through its role in CAMTC) with the sponsor of California Assembly Bill 1822 to effect several changes that would make AB 1822 more logical and supportive of the massage therapy profession. Unfortunately, the sponsor has stripped out the…

The Board of Massage and Bodywork currently issues licenses to massage and bodywork therapists and certificates to massage technicians. Delaware is the only state to have this two-tier system. Licensed therapists are required to complete at least 500 hours of education and pass a certification…

Delaware Governor Jack Markell is considering House Bill 463, a bill passed by the General Assembly and based on recommendations made by a committee of legislators, Joint Sunset Committee, and on the advice of the Board of Massage and Bodywork. HB 463 would phase out the two-tier licensure…

California is in the process of redefining the regulation of massage therapy. It is considering AB 1822 which would, if passed, severely alter the regulatory powers of the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC).

AB 1822, heard by the Assembly Appropriations Committee on May 19, 2010,…