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Recent News and Legislative Updates

After January 1, 2012 you will need proof of at least 250 hours of massage education in order to apply for statewide certification. Between now and the end of the year you
can still apply with only 100 hours or by taking an exam*.

More and more cities, counties, employers and…

MBLEx Now Accepted for Licensure

Governor Quinn signed SB 153 into law on August 23, 2011. The bill re-authorizes the Massage Therapy Practice Act until January 1, 2022 and makes several technical changes to the law.

One significant change to…

If you’ve already applied for a Pennsylvania massage therapy license (you have submitted the application and $65 fee to the PA Board of Massage Therapy), you may disregard this email.

If you have not submitted your application, NOW is the time. If you are…

On August 1, 2011, Governor Brown signed into law the ABMP-supported Assembly Bill 619 that makes some changes to the existing voluntary certification statute. These changes, mostly technical in nature, do not change the rules on how you can obtain your statewide…

NY Update on Continuing Education Requirements

Senate Bill 5431 was signed into law on August 30, 2010. Beginning January 1, 2012, the law requires massage therapists to complete 36 hours of continuing education (CE) during each triennial registration period. The State Department of…

SB 454 was signed by Governor Kitzhaber on 5/16/2011. The law exempts individuals who are practicing energy work or movement education from massage therapy licensing provided that the individual's services are not designated or implied to be massage or massage therapy and he or she is "certified…

SB 1078 was formally withdrawn by Senator Hammond (the bill sponsor) when it became clear that Senate Health and Welfare Committee would not have time to consider it.

While on the surface it may seem disappointing to many people, the good news is that we have been able to complete an…

HB 1133, signed into law by Governor Gregoire on May 3, 2011, will require massage practitioners to include their name and license number on all advertisements and conspicuously display his or her license in his or her principal place of business. If the massage practitioner does not have a…

SB 151 was signed into law by Governor Daugaard on March 28, 2011. The law will allow any person who qualified for licensure through the grandfathering provision and allowed the license to lapse to be issued a license by complying with continuing education requirements and submitting a form…

HB 1304 was signed into law by Governor Dalrymple on April 5, 2011. The law exempts individuals who are practicing energy work from massage therapy licensing as long as they are not manipulating the soft tissue of the human body (not including a soft touch or tap), provided that the individual's…