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Recent News and Legislative Updates

Florida House Bill 119, into which Senate Bill 1860 was merged, would reform Motor Vehicle Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance in Florida. The PIP reform bill eliminates coverage for massage therapy and acupuncture. The bill passed both houses of the Florida legislature and is expected to…

House Bill 114, Sponsored by Representative Tim Cosgrove (D-Murray), would amend the state's Massage Therapy Act to close a perceived loophole that allows for unsavory purveyors to trade under the name of massage.

The primary changes in the law would be to:

  • Remove the…

A bill, sponsored by Senator Hammond, will be introduced in the Idaho Senate early next week. If passed, the bill would require massage therapists to become licensed by the state and establish a Board of Massage Therapy to…

House Bill 2126, sponsored by Representative Matt W. Windschitl (R-District 56), is described as “an act relating to the education requirements of massage therapists.” The bill as currently drafted eliminates the education…

House Bill 2564, which has been introduced in the Kansas Legislature, would require massage therapists to become licensed for the purpose of protecting the public and ensuring that the standards of practice in the field are protected and preserved.  If passed, the bill would require massage…

House bill 2387, sponsored by Representative McCormick, would change the administrative department overseeing the massage regulatory program. On page 5 of the bill, Sections 11 and 12 would relocate Title 63-18, which…

House Bill 543 was introduced on January 11, 2012. As proposed, the bill would amend several different Virginia laws, including the regulation of massage therapists. Massage therapy is currently a certified profession under the Board of…

Sponsored by Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini , Assembly Bill 456 proposes to regulate massage and bodywork therapy advertisements. If passed, any advertisement for massage and bodywork therapies must contain the telephone number for…

Introduced on January 11, 2012, Senate Bill 6103 proposes to regulate reflexology by requiring the registration of reflexologists. Since massage therapists are already licensed in Washington, and reflexology fits within a massage…

A public hearing will be held to receive comments on the proposed rules that will implement the Massage Therapy Licensing Act which was signed into law on January 9, 2009. The law requires the licensure of massage therapists and the proposed rules will establish the requirements for this…