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Recent News and Legislative Updates

Introduced on January 11, 2012, Senate Bill 6103 proposes to regulate reflexology by requiring the registration of reflexologists. Since massage therapists are already licensed in Washington, and reflexology fits within a massage…

A public hearing will be held to receive comments on the proposed rules that will implement the Massage Therapy Licensing Act which was signed into law on January 9, 2009. The law requires the licensure of massage therapists and the proposed rules will establish the requirements for this…

Introduced on January 11, 2012, Senate Bill 6104 would grant the secretary of health the authority to inspect massage business establishments during business hours. If the secretary is denied access, it may apply for a…

Introduced on January 4, 2012, Senate Bill 10 would require a license to practice massage therapy in Indiana. Currently, although Indiana’s certification system provides that only certified massage therapists…

Intended to strengthen public protection against the unlicensed practice of massage therapy, Senate Bill 6072 proposes several changes to the laws governing massage therapy licensure.

On January 5, 2012, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted to defeat HB 446. The bill would have changed the mandatory licensing of several professions, including massage therapists and bodyworkers, to voluntary "licensing." ABMP was opposed to the bill.

ABMP thanks members who…

On October 27, 2011, the House Committee of Executive Departments and Administration voted (by a very narrow margin) to pass an amended version of HB 446. If passed by the full legislature, the bill would amend the current mandatory licensing programs for several professions (including massage…

Effective January 1, 2012, massage therapists practicing under his/her New York license must take continuing education. You are now required to complete 36 hours of acceptable formal continuing education during each three-year registration period.

Practitioners renewing their licenses in…

The New Jersey Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy has been drafting rules and regulations to implement the law passed by the legislature in January 2008. When fully implemented, this law will change the regulation of massage therapists in New Jersey from voluntary certification (title…

House Bill 259, introduced on June 14, 2011, proposes to exempt individuals who practice energy work or movement education from Ohio's health care professional licensing laws under which massage therapists are licensed as "limited practitioners of medicine." The bill contains a lengthy list of "…