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Two Legislative Victories in California


ABMP is happy to report that, on September 30, 2010, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed AB 1822. In his veto message he stated:

“This bill is unnecessary and inappropriately requires specific law enforcement association appointments to the California Massage Therapy Council. This Council is already working closely with law enforcement professionals across the state to ensure the profession is appropriately screened for past criminal activity before being certified. In addition, there are members of the public, not associated with the massage industry, already appointed to this Council.”

ABMP and the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) could not agree more. Thank you Governor Schwarzenegger! ABMP’s lobbyist, Kathryn Scott, working with our staff, played a pivotal role in achieving the final outcome.

In other news, Senate Bill 294 was signed into law. The bill clarifies that the massage therapy provisions of SB 731 (passed in 2008) extend and apply to ALL cities and counties, INCLUDING charter cities and charter counties. As you may be aware, several charter cities (such as Irvine) were resistant to accepting CAMTC authority to certify practitioners and pre-empt local massage therapist licensing requirements. The passage of this bill clarifies that CAMTC certification will indeed pre-empt all such local massage license requirements.

Keep in mind that cities and counties, per SB 731, still may require that a massage therapist setting up a practice obtain a business permit, just as other professionals and retail service providers must do. Zoning, health, and safety requirements also apply, although they cannot be more rigorously applied to massage therapists than they are for others.

Please also exhibit patience over the implementation of SB 294. The CAMTC is on the case, but desires to work with cities, using its now strengthened hand, rather than provoke battles. If you seek to start a practice and are rebuffed, please inform us so we can bring your circumstance to CAMTC’s attention.
