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How to Take Care of Your Hands

If you just took some time away from massage you may have noticed your hands got a little . . . weird. Maybe they got dry from all the extra washing and not being covered in massage oil all day.

Ready to Dive Back In?

A tranquil massage setting with a bookcase, plant, and massage table

Hello friends. How are you holding up? If you’re like most of the massage therapists in my life, you are torn.

Black Lives Matter

Events in recent weeks remind us how far we have to go toward equity. The senseless killing of George Floyd, one of the latest in a recent, and historical, series of acts of violence perpetrated against Black men and women, sickens and saddens us.

The Face Cradle Hammock

Massage therapist demonstrating how to make a "face cradle hammock" for massage

We know that lying prone on the massage table with a face mask on may not be the most comfortable of client experiences. In ABMP’s Back to Practice Guide released in April, we suggested creating a “face cradle hammock” for those clients who could not wear a mask while prone.

Safely Ventilating Your Work Space

A tranquil spa room with massage table, buddha statue, plant, and candle

ABMP connected with epidemiologist Tessa Crume, an associate professor in the Epidemiology Department at the Colorado School of Health at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus to get her expert advice on this member’s question: My treatment room doesn’t have windows. What’s the best way to keep my space safely ventilated?