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Online Massage CE: Making A&P Coursework "Stick"

Overhead view of a person working on a laptop computer with textbooks from Books of Discovery nearby

Pat Archer and Lisa Nelson, co-authors of Applied Anatomy & Physiology for Manual Therapists, know how to make A&P content meaningful and memorable for massage therapy students. Read their advice in this Q&A.

The Top New ABMP Massage CE Courses of 2020

A young woman in front of a laptop taking an online education course

One of the ways that ABMP members kept engaged in the profession during this difficult year was by furthering their training and education with online CE courses in the ABMP Education Center. Here, we take a look at the most popular courses of 2020.

December Update: New Economic Relief Efforts Passed by US Government

One hundred dollar bill with a surgical mask over Benjamin Franklin's face

On December 21 the United States Congress passed an omnibus bill providing funding for most government agencies. Included in the bipartisan legislation was $900 billion of emergency economic relief to address further damage caused by impacts of COVID-19. It is expected that President Trump will sign the bill soon.

Fighting COVID Exhaustion: 3 Steps to Help You Forge Ahead

A woman lying on her back looking up at the ceiling in thought

As we continue to navigate this pandemic, it’s important we don’t give in to the exhaustion, the overwhelm. More than ever, now is the time to gather our resolve, honor our emotions, and commit to our self-care as we work to make it through to the other side.

CranioSacral Therapy Training with The Upledger Institute

A woman on her back receiving craniosacral therapy

Upledger Institute International offers classes in more than 50 countries, and now has more than 125,000 alumni. In this blog post, we speak to the Upledger Institute about CranioSacral Therapy and the institute's educational programs.