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Losing a Bright Light in the Profession

Irene Smith, massage and hospice educator and pioneer

I’m shedding a tear but feeling peace in my heart as I remember the endearing spirit of Irene Smith, one of this profession’s most precious gifts.

COVID-19 Variant Updates for the United States

COVID-19 vaccines arrayed in rows of small glass vials

With some evolutionary descendants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus being reported in the US, Ruth Werner gives an update on these COVID-19 variants and what we can do to address them.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Mass murder. Misogyny. Racism. Sexual violence. Therapist safety. Human trafficking. Massage parlors. The murders committed March 16 in Atlanta raised issues both inside and outside the massage community. Most importantly, eight people lost their lives in a senseless act. The tragedy of this loss of life cannot be overstated; all other issues pale in comparison. Eight people didn’t come home that day.

COVID-19 Hygiene Updates—A List of Suggestions

Cleaning a surface with a spray bottle and towel

In light of continually evolving information on COVID-19, are the heightened precautions massage therapists undertook over the past year still necessary, or are some of them overkill? Pathology expert Ruth Werner gives us her thoughts.

What Getting the Vaccine Means to Me

Black woman receiving vaccine shot in her arm

Sakinah Irizarry, a New York-based massage therapist and advocate for educational equity and social justice, recounts her experience receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, and what it means for her, her family, and her practice.

Top 4 Ways to Avoid Professional Liability Issues: Advice from ABMP's Risk Management Expert

Two women talking over business reports

If you’ve ever had to use your ABMP insurance benefit while dealing with a professional liability claim, you most likely interacted with our very best—Debbie Higdon, ABMP’s longtime risk management manager. Now, after nearly 27 years as part of our ABMP family, Debbie has decided it’s time to “go fishing.” Before heading off into retirement, we asked Debbie about risk management and her best advice for the ways practitioners can protect their livelihoods.

Unraveling the Foot-Hip Connection | Coaching the Body Institute

Online massage education from Coaching the Body Institute

Coaching the Body Institute offers free online massage education on unraveling the foot-hip connection and making sciatic pain disappear. Read about what sets their course offerings apart, and how you can take advantage of their innovative approach.

COVID-19 Vaccines—What to Know About the Options

Coronavirus vaccines in glass vials

Ruth Werner, pathology expert and author of A Massage Therapist's Guide to Pathology, gives us a compilation of up-to-date information on COVID-19 vaccines, including available options, the technology used in each, and other important topics.

Massage During a Pandemic: What Does It Look Like for Clients?

Massage therapist wearing face mask giving massage to client wearing face mask

In this blog, Allissa Haines of Massage Business Blueprint shares her thoughts on reopening her practice during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how putting herself in her clients' shoes helped her overcome a host of challenges in reopening safely.