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Embracing Change, Leading with Love

Overhead vew of chalk art in the shape of a heart

At the beginning of every year, I think about a theme, focus, or intention I want to work on for my personal, professional, or spiritual development.

Questions for Clients Who Have Had COVID-19

A medical face mask on a calender with the words "Quarantine over?" written on the calendar

Someday—maybe soon (whatever that means, in this time-distorted world)—we are all going to have to figure out the dos and don’ts of working with people who have had COVID-19.

Making Masks and Gloves Work

A woman wearing a blue surgical mask

Outside of a hospital, oncology, or hospice setting, most massage therapists and bodyworkers have never had to wear face masks in their practice. And it’s on the rare occasion that an MT needs to give a massage with gloves on. But what once was a rarity will be the norm going forward until we find solutions to combat COVID-19.

COVID-19-Related Coagulopathy

A microscopic view of red blood cells and platelets

Picture this: A person infected with SARS-CoV-2 is making blood clots. Gazillions of them. All over their body. Some are tiny, blocking the capillary supply to the skin and organs. Others are big enough to cause heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary embolism.

Contactless Payments

A customer making a touchless payment through a smartphone app

As a small business owner trying to maneuver your way back to active business during COVID-19, you definitely want to get paid quickly and easily, but you also want to get paid as contact free as possible—for client safety as well as your own.

COVID-19: What We Understand Now

World map with data points plotted in red to show the spread of COVID-19

I am a pathology educator, and it is my job to keep current with available information about pathologies, as it applies for massage therapists. This has been particularly challenging of late, because as we know, our understanding about COVID-19 changes hourly.

Why Retail Matters More Than Ever For Your Practice

As the industry responds to the impact of COVID-19, now is the time to explore an alternative way to increase the revenue of your business. Establishing a solid retail business alongside your massage therapy practice is a great strategy for accomplishing just that, and it’s one you can begin today thanks to ecommerce.