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Upledger Education Partnership Program

Upledger Education Partnership Program

The Education Partnership Program is a free resource offered by Upledger Institute International (UII) and the Barral Institute (BI) that benefits both an enrolled partnering school and their students or alumni.

Podcast: Getting Comfortable with Mystery

Ruth Werner, host of the podcast I Have a Client Who . . . and a columnist for Massage & Bodywork magazine, has been dealing with a chronic cough for decades. She is now working with fellow M&B columnist Til Luchau to determine what can be done. In this episode of The ABMP Podcast, Ruth and Til discuss the process of dealing with this mysterious chronic cough and how massage may be able to help.


Like so many across the country and around the world, we are heartbroken by the devastation caused by the fires on Maui. We will be making a donation to the local teams on the ground, and we invite you to do the same.

Faces of Bodywork: Stormy Mesa

A woman, Stormy Mesa, sits and meditates next to a plant.

Stormy Mesa was featured in the September/October 2023 issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine in “Faces of Bodywork.”