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Upledger Education Partnership Program


Upledger Education Partnership Program

The following blog is sponsored by Upledger Institute International and the Barral Institute.

What is the Education Partnership Program (EPP)?

The Education Partnership Program (EPP) is a free resource offered by Upledger Institute International (UII) and the Barral Institute (BI) that benefits both an enrolled partnering school and their students or alumni. The program is designed to reward schools and offer substantial tuition discounts to their students when they enroll in one of our entry-level classes.  

Who can join the EPP and what are the benefits?

Any private school or university department that offers a manual therapy program is eligible to join. Once enrolled, the school, program directors, and instructors can immediately take advantage of the numerous benefits, which include 3- to 6-hour complimentary, in-depth educational presentations at your location or virtually by one of our certified presenters or 1- to 3-hour overview presentations by the school’s staff with support from our team.

Referral rewards of either 10 percent cash of the amount paid for each registered student that successfully completes one of our entry-level classes or 20 percent tuition credit of the amount paid for each participant. 

How do students take advantage of this program and what courses are included?

Students wanting to take either Upledger or Barral Institute entry-level classes simply provide the name of their referring school when they call to register. Entry-level classes included in this program are:

  • CranioSacral Therapy 1 (CS1) – Assessment of Central Nervous System and Fascia for Full Body Treatment Protocol
  • Visceral Manipulation 1 (VM1) – Assessment of Structural Relationship between Viscera, and their Fascial or Ligamentous attachments to the Musculoskeletal System
  • Neural Manipulation 1 (NM1) – The Biomechanics of Trauma; Its Effect on the Nervous System and Application for Treatment
  • New Manual Articular Approach: Upper Extremity (MAUE), Lower Extremity (MALE), Spine & Pelvis (MASP) – Comprehensive approach to the joints integrating nerves, arteries, bones, muscles, ligaments, as well as visceral and emotional connections

What is the process to join the EPP?

Any school or university department can sign up for the EPP by calling 1-561-622-4334, ext. 2 or 1-800-233-5880, ext. 2 to speak to an Education Services Representative. Schools and organizations need to complete an application form. Once your application is accepted, you become a partner with renowned and respected continuing education providers—Upledger Institute International and the Barral Institute. 

To learn more, visit
