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Recent News and Legislative Updates

Late last year, the US Department of Education revised Gainful Employment rules that impact schools…

New rules issued by the North Dakota Board of Massage Therapy (Board) will go into effect April 1. The rules impact initial license applications, student compensation, and etiquette for new clients. No need to be caught off guard come April; we’ve summarized the rules for you below.

The Alabama legislature introduced House Bill 300 (HB 300), the Interstate Massage Compact (IMpact), in early March. The IMpact will simplify interstate massage therapy practice and…

The Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB), the provider of the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx), has informed ABMP that the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) released incorrect information via email in January regarding exam results.


Full tank of gas? Check. Massage table? Check. Multistate massage license? . . . Almost. Sounds like a great idea, right—a license that allows you to leave your home state and practice in another. It’s a possibility that Georgia could make a reality! But the whole idea may be…

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP), in partnership with the American Massage Therapy Association–AR Chapter, is inviting volunteers to provide manual chair massage for Arkansas legislators and Capitol staff on April 29, 2024.

Massage Therapy Legislative Awareness…

ABMP submitted written commentary to the Alaska legislature regarding Senate Standing Committee Report 4, which would reverse an executive order that seeks to dissolve the Alaska Board of Massage Therapists. We support…

ABMP submitted written commentary to the Kansas legislature regarding Senate Bill 305, which would create statewide licensure for massage therapists. We support this legislation and advocated on your behalf because licensure would create a unified scope of practice, develop professional…

ABMP submitted written commentary to the Minnesota legislature regarding Senate File 967 and House File 973, which would create statewide licensure for massage and bodywork therapists. We support this legislation and advocated on your behalf because licensure would create a unified scope of…

Serve the best interest of your profession and the public while ensuring ongoing competence and high standards of practice. How? Support massage licensing efforts in Kansas! The legislature introduced…