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Recent News and Legislative Updates

The North Dakota Board of Massage Therapy voted March 19, 2021, to waive the hands-on continuing education requirement for licenses expiring February 28, 2022. All continuing education for even-numbered licenses can be completed online.
ABMP members have access to 200 plus…

The Arkansas House of Representatives introduced House Bill 1440 (HB 1440) in February 2021. HB 1440 was amended March 17, 2021, in the Arkansas House of Representatives.…

Vermont passed Senate Bill 220 last year, which requires registration of massage therapists. Massage therapists, bodyworkers, and touch professionals must register with the…

Illinois revised continuing education requirements for massage therapists in Volume 45, Issue 11 of the Illinois Register (see page 48 of the linked…

The Arkansas House of Representatives introduced House Bill 1440 (HB 1440) in February. This bill appears to allow online education for an entire massage therapy training…

Vermont passed Senate Bill 220 last year, which requires registration of massage therapists. Massage therapists, bodyworkers, and touch professionals must register with the…

House Bill 1289 (HB 1289), which was passed in 2017, will create mandatory licensure in Indiana after the rules are final. Currently, Indiana has voluntary certification. The Indiana State Board…

After being postponed in 2020, the California Massage Therapy Act is up for sunset review this legislative session. A sunset review is a periodic evaluation to examine the state of regulation and assess how well it serves the public. In the California massage therapy sunset review, a legislative…

The Idaho legislature introduced House Bill 273 (HB 273) on March 2, 2021. The bill is sponsored by the Idaho House Business Committee. HB 273 addresses massage therapy and a…

The Ohio legislature has introduced House Bill 81 (HB 81) and Senate Bill 55 (SB 55).…