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Background Checks and Photos Now Required for Licensure in KY and Other Modifications to the Massage Therapy Practice Act


Kentucky House Bill 79 (HB 79) passed the Senate and the House and was signed by Governor Beshear March 18, 2021.
HB 79 requires criminal background checks and photos to be submitted with applications to practice massage therapy. Photo specifications will be decided by the Board of Massage Therapy as they develop rules around this law.

Other modifications to the Massage Practice Act include a revision of continuing education requirements from 24 hours to 12 hours every two years. A three-hour ethics course is also required. Students graduating with an associate’s degree in massage therapy may now be considered for licensure.

HB 79 also cleaned up some of the language in the practice act, which will not have much of an impact on massage therapists.

Regarding massage therapy school applications, the bill clarified that schools need to submit their curriculum AND a list of staff and their qualifications. Schools approved by NCBTMB, accredited by COMTA, or that use a “COMTA Endorsed Curriculum” meet the curriculum requirements and staff qualifications and don’t need to submit them with the application.

ABMP will be involved in the rule making around this law. The bill will go into effect June 28, 2021, 90 days after the legislative session ends March 30, 2021. ABMP will keep you up to date on the changes to the practice act and when those changes will affect you.

If you have questions or concerns, email us at
