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Oklahoma Bills Affecting Massage Therapy Don't Make it Out of Committee


ABMP notified you of Senate Bill 750 (SB 750) and House Bill 1652 (HB 1652) in February 2021.

SB 750 would have moved the licensure of massage therapy from the Board of Cosmetology to the Board of Dentistry. Other changes included establishment licensing, fee increases, and reopening the grandfathering period for massage therapy licenses. SB 750 went to the Oklahoma Business, Commerce and Tourism Committee; however, it was not heard in committee and therefore did not pass this year.

Similarly, HB 1652 would have reopened the grandfathering period, created an annual renewal for fixed establishment licenses, and allow temporary, 90-day work permits for those with 500 hours of education. HB 1652 was assigned to the Rules Committee but was not heard and therefore did not pass this year.
