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Recent News and Legislative Updates

A Vitally Important Opportunity for the Massage Profession

If you would like to express your interest in the legislative process surrounding California licensing, or volunteer to be active in support of that goal, please email…

House Bill 8 would impose a 6% sales tax on massage services—services that are in many states considered a health-care modality. Help ABMP oppose HB 8 and call the LRC Message…

The Kentucky legislature introduced House Bill 8 (HB 8) this session, which would impose a 6% sales tax on massage services—services that are in many states considered a health-care…

Proposed massage therapy rules that may impact your practice were released February 2022 and primarily affect the following areas: board member stipends and duties, definitions, continuing…

Are you interested in serving on the Oregon State Board of Massage Therapy (OBMT)? There will be one seat open to a licensed massage therapist on the board this May, and Governor Brown’s office is looking for…

Update: March 21, 2022:
Senate Bill 180 was not signed into law because the house did not send the senate the correct bill copy to vote on. There is a possibility this bill will be reintroduced in the interim session beginning in May 2022. ABMP will keep members updated as…

February 18, 2022, Update: The online public hearing has been moved from March 17, 2022, to an in-person hearing on March 31, 2022. Those wishing to attend the live hearing can report to the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency at 10:00 a.m. EST at the following…

Governor Hochul announced on December 10, 2021, that masks are required in all indoor public places unless businesses or venues implement a…

On November 5, 2021, the Washington Board of Massage (Board) met to discuss the ongoing difficulty in obtaining hands-on continuing education (CE) during the COVID-19 pandemic.…