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Opposition to House Bill 8: a 6% Sales Tax on Massage Therapy Services


House Bill 8 would impose a 6% sales tax on massage services—services that are in many states considered a health-care modality. Help ABMP oppose HB 8 and call the LRC Message Line at 800-372-7181 and use the message below. Be sure to leave your name, phone number, and your senator’s and house representative’s names. Find your senator here and your representative here.
When speaking with your senator, you may not have a lot of time, so you want to get straight to the point:

“House Bill 8 does not work for massage therapy. The bill states medically necessary massage
will be exempt from the 6% sales tax, but a definition of what is considered ‘medically necessary’
is absent from the bill. Most importantly, HB 8 creates confusion in determining whether a service
is medically necessary by myself, clients, and most likely the government. For these reasons,
I oppose HB 8 and request that all massage therapy services be exempt from the 6% sales tax.”

Now is the time to advocate for yourself and all Kentucky massage therapists!
