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Kentucky Bill Proposes 6% Sales Tax on Massage Services


The Kentucky legislature introduced House Bill 8 (HB 8) this session, which would impose a 6% sales tax on massage services—services that are in many states considered a health-care modality. ABMP opposes HB 8 and invites you to read our advocacy letter we’re sending to the Kentucky Senate committee of record.
Massage therapists can take action to oppose this bill before it becomes law. Contact your senator and tell them how HB 8 will directly impact your livelihood and the massage therapy community.
When speaking with your senator, leaving a message, or writing an email, prepare yourself with brief talking points. You may not have a lot of time, so you want to get straight to the point—state the purpose of your call clearly: “Please oppose any sales tax on massage therapy.”
Below are some sample talking points you can use and customize with personal experience:

  • Most visits for massage therapy are for treating and managing symptoms of chronic pain.
    Personal experience: Most of my clients come to me because of neck or back pain. I do not sell a tangible product; I offer a service that many states consider a health-care commodity.
  • Exempting medically necessary services is unclear.
    Personal experience: What services will be considered medically necessary? Clients with doctor’s notes, clients with diagnoses, clients with chronic pain? The administrative burden of keeping track of who has a prescription and whether to collect a sales tax will be considerable.
  • Most massage therapists are self-employed.
    Personal experience: I am an independent contractor and I pay my own taxes.