ABMP Student life is the best massage student network in the profession, and your source for real-world advice, study resources, and videos to get you through massage school and on to the career of your dreams.
Sign up for ABMP Student Membership and you'll get access to ABMP Student Life, your own free ABMP website, and other exceptional benefits from a massage & bodywork association dedicated to helping you succeed in your career!
Bonus! Enter to win $5,000 for you and $5,000 for your school. It only takes a minute. Enter Now
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Picked Fresh
In the Picked Fresh section, we'll share forms, checklists, worksheets, and more to help you stay organized.
Our ABMP Education Team created 36 fun videos to demonstrate helpful hands-on techniques and more!
Take 5
Quick lifestyle tips will keep you healthy and focused as you balance school and the rest of your responsibilities.
Free ABMP Website, Student Life, and More
Plus, with ABMP Student Life you also get your own website to practice for your career, access to the digital version of the award-winning Massage & Bodywork magazine, and ABMP’s student resources and customer service to guide you on your path through the MBLEx exam, state licensing, and any other questions you have.