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Jessica Irelan: Curated Massage
Jessica Irelan provides massage to a client on a table.

Curated may seem like an odd word to describe a massage and bodywork career, but it perfectly captures the essence of Jessica Irelan’s massage therapy path.

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North Carolina Increases Minimum Education Hours

North Carolina enacted Senate Bill 607, increasing the minimum training requirements for massage and bodywork licensure that an applicant must complete at a school approved by the North Carolina Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy. Learn about the new state education requirement.

Oregon Massage Board Looking to Fill Committees

The Oregon Massage Board of Massage Therapists is currently recruiting for the Rules, Continuing Education, and Scope of Practice committees. To apply, complete the Interest Form before August 30.

Erica Ladenthin: Overcoming Obstacles to Offer Accessible Massage
Erica Ladenthin posts for a picture on a cliff overlooking water.

Inaccessibility is an obstacle Erica Ladenthin is determined to overcome—not only for herself but for others with disabilities. 

Although Ladenthin’s journey of battling a rare form of cancer to get back to work has been a long one, she is determined to succeed.

Missouri Increases Minimum Education Hours

On July 1, the Board of Therapeutic Massage issued an emergency rule to raise the state’s minimum massage education hours from 500 to 625. This change applies to all Missouri entry-level programs and apprenticeships/mentorships. The emergency rule is effective immediately and expires February 27, 2025.

Margaret Finger: Thriving Through Adversity to Help Others Heal
Margaret Finger poses for a photo.

Against significant odds, Margaret Finger is a success both personally and professionally. And it’s because of her struggles that she has devoted decades to helping other women heal wounds she knows personally. 

Margaret’s story exemplifies the inclusive values of ABMP's Massage Is for EveryBody campaign.