Reading the body remains a pseudoscience; yet, examining the mystery of body types through systems like Ayurveda or somatotyping can help practitioners approach each client in ways distinct to their constitution.
Long ignored or thought of as packing material filling the space between skin and muscles, fat is finally getting its recognition as essential to human health and a part of the fascial system massage therapists tend to every day.
Rather than enforce physical symmetry, Aston Kinetics (which trains people in movement, bodywork, fitness, and ergonomics) seeks to recognize the asymmetries natural to a person’s body.
The first Black Massage Therapist Conference was held October 14 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The event was rich with support, learning, and encouragement, and ABMP was proud to be a sponsor in attendance.
Despite the impact COVID-19 had on massage school enrollment, a survey from Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) found that massage graduate numbers are on the rise.
We asked ABMP members some questions about the prices of their typical 60-minute massage or bodywork session—where it is now, how it has changed in the past year, and what their plans are for next year.
Whenever two surfaces need to glide—like tendon sheaths, the pericardium and the heart, or two muscles along each other—hyaluronic acid ensures everything goes smoothly.