Massage therapy is a core component for treating ankle sprains and is used with other treatments used by other providers, such as laser therapy, ultrasound, microcurrent, and electrical stimulation.
Though bodyworkers can’t prevent or eliminate scar tissue, our skillful touch can aim to influence its development, remodeling process, and long-term integration into the surrounding tissue.
Gliding relationships between muscles exist all over the body. Knowing where they are can help massage therapists explore their clients’ tissue mobility for healthy function.
The adductors take the cake for being simultaneously easy and hard to stretch. In their secret efforts to master the art of puppeteering, the adductors fall victim to the inability to let go.
The application of opposing techniques within a short time frame brings the recipient into a deeper awareness of self and a greater perception of balance.
Weakness, poor mobility, or lack of control of the fibularis longus and other ankle muscles may contribute to injuries such as lateral ankle sprains or chronic conditions such as tendinitis, shin splints, or plantar fasciitis.