The Rectus Sheath

Making Complex Abdominal Movement Happen

When you first studied the musculoskeletal system, you probably learned that most muscles create movement through contraction that pulls on their tendons, which then transmits force to the bones. But what happens in regions like the anterior abdomen, where there are no bony insertions? 

The potentially vulnerable boneless configuration in this region is a trade-off for an impressive amount of shape-shifting freedom that allows you to flex, twist, and expand your belly with ease. But how do the abdominal muscles leverage themselves across the midline? Does the structural freedom gained leave the abdomen completely unsupported?

Spanning the center of the abdomen, from the rib cage above to the pubic symphysis below, we find a different kind of connection where muscles insert into and pull upon a three-dimensional network of deep fascia. Meet the rectus sheath, the fibrous fascia that fills in the gap where no bony skeleton exists. Your fascia has your back! Or in this case, quite literally, your front. 

Image 1. Rectus sheath. As the internal obliques, external obliques, and transversus abdominis transition into their respective flat tendons, or aponeuroses, they form what is called the rectus sheath of the abdomen. In this image, we see the anterior surface of the rectus sheath at the level of the external obliques. Image courtesy AnatomySCAPES.

Anatomy: The Belly’s Soft Skeleton

The rectus sheath is a major structural component of the abdominal wall, yet it’s often missing from anatomical drawings. While named for its sheath-like envelopment of the rectus abdominis (RA) muscles, the rectus sheath is actually created by the converging fascia of our other three major abdominal muscles: the external obliques (EO), internal obliques (IO), and transversus abdominis (TrA). 

Each of these broad, flat muscles wraps around the midsection, with the muscle fibers transitioning into their flat tendon as they approach the front of the body. The flat tendons fuse together on either side of the RA, creating pockets for the “six-pack” muscles as they pass to the midline. The result of this converging is the rectus sheath, a multilayered fascial hub that allows: (1) force transmission, (2) motor coordination, and (3) stability in our trunk. With a skill set like that, we’re tempted to ask, “Who needs bones?” Let’s explore how the rectus sheath’s anatomy makes this possible.

Image 2. Linea alba. In this image from the upper abdomen, we can clearly see collagen fibers in the anterior rectus sheath converging at, and crossing over, the midline, enabling communication between the two sides. While often depicted in drawings as a distinct structure, that is not how the linea alba is found in the body. The linea alba is continuous with the rectus sheath. Image courtesy AnatomySCAPES.

Force Transmission: Fascia at Work 

Whether you’re carrying your massage table or twisting to reach your massage oil, your abdominal muscles contract to generate force. How can this muscle-generated force create stability and movement in the bone-free expanse of the belly? As it turns out, our muscles don’t necessarily need bones for movement. What they do need is tissue that shares a particular property of bones: stiffness.

Here’s where the rectus sheath comes in. Every time your obliques and transversus abdominis muscles contract, they pull on their flat tendons, which tension the rectus sheath. As the rectus sheath is tensioned, it stiffens, and Bam! you’ve got what you need for movement: a connective tissue framework that is stiff and tense for force transmission. No bones about it. But to have complex movement, we also need motor coordination. 

Motor Coordination: Crossing the Midline 

Let’s take a minute to feel how the abdominal muscles talk to each other to create motor coordination. Whether you’re seated or standing, take a twist to the right, then to the left. When we twist, the EO of one side contracts at the same time as the IO of the opposite side, creating coordinated movement. How? The rectus sheath holds some clues.

There’s one part of the rectus sheath that’s almost never left out of our anatomy books: the linea alba. At the midline, the flat tendons of the EO, IO, and TrA from both the left and right sides merge, creating longitudinal reinforcement. 

Our anatomy books describe the linea alba as the insertion point for EO, IO, and TrA. When we zoom in, the collagen fibers of the linea alba tell an additional story. By zooming in to the level of collagen fibers, it’s clear that the linea alba is not the end point for these muscles. Analyzing fiber-by-fiber, researchers found that fibers from every layer of the rectus sheath pass across the midline and even interweave strategically.1 This three-dimensional meshwork of fibers allows both force transmission and communication with the opposite side (Image 2). 

If we return to our twist, we now see that the EO and IO are connected by the fibers of their flat tendons intermingling and crossing through the midline. The EO can feel the movement of the IO on the opposite side through its sensory nerves and vice versa, enabling motor coordination. Onto the rectus sheath’s next feat—trunk stability. 

Trunk Stability: Front, Meet Your Back 

If you ask somebody to touch their abs, chances are they touch the front of their abdomen, or perhaps laterally along the waistline. But if they touch their low back, technically, they would also be touching their abs. Looking at the torso in cross-section, we see that the combined muscle and fascia of EO, IO, and TrA circle around to the back, anchoring to the thoracolumbar fascia and the spine (Image 3). 

We also see interesting organizational similarities between the front and back of the trunk. The rectus sheath housing the longitudinal RA muscles in the front is paralleled in the back by the thoracolumbar fascia housing the longitudinal erector spinae muscles. With loose connective tissue between the EO, IO, and TrA, the abdominal muscles keep the front and back connected in an organization of “gliding rings” of flat muscles and tendons.

This organization allows for dynamic movement of the trunk, but also takes the stability game to the next level. As our EO, IO, and TrA tension the rectus sheath, they also tension the thoracolumbar fascia, amplifying their contractile efficiency and creating an integrated tensional ring of stability. So basically, your fascia has your front and your back.

Image 3. Abdominal ring of support. The fascia of the obliques and transversus abdominis are continuous from the linea alba in the front of the thoracolumbar fascia and transverse processes of the spine in the back, creating an integrated tensional ring of stability with soft tissue in the region of the torso where no ribs exist. Image courtesy AnatomySCAPES.

Trade-Off or Upgrade? 

The bone-free abdomen is not left unsupported after all. The fascial system allows for the trade-off of less bony protection for structural freedom and offers some important upgrades. The specific organization of the rectus sheath allows force transmission, motor coordination, and stability. Understanding the fascial anatomy of the abdomen helps us better understand how the muscles of our trunk work together. 


1. H. Axer, D. G. Keyserlingk, and A. Prescher, “Collagen Fibers in Linea Alba and Rectus Sheaths,” Journal of Surgical Research 96, no. 1 (2001): 127–34,


Rizk, N. “A New Description of the Anterior Abdominal Wall in Man and Mammals.” Journal of Anatomy 131, no. 3 (1980): 

Stecco, C. Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2015.  

Vleeming, A. et al. “The Functional Coupling of the Deep Abdominal and Paraspinal Muscles: The Effects of Simulated Paraspinal Muscle Contraction on Force Transfer to the Middle and Posterior Layer of the Thoracolumbar Fascia.” Journal of Anatomy 225, no. 4 (October 1, 2014): 447–62,

