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Well, Isn't THAT convenient




As I’ve mentioned before, I am a middle-aged man, and I want what I want. This dawned on me this morning as I was shaving. Well, it dawns on me every day, but today I thought of it because I was shaving with my razor from The Dollar Shave Club. Yes, I belong to the Dollar Shave Club. Here’s why.


I don’t know which I hate more: shaving or not shaving. Both suck. One reason shaving sucks is because the price of razor blades is just north of that of diamonds and caviar. And having to replace my shaving blades infuriates me—and I generally don’t get mad about things. So I joined the Dollar Shave Club, because its ad is probably the greatest ad ever, and I now don’t have to go buy razor blades, they just show up at my house. They cost a bit less through DSC and I don’t get mad. Win-win.


One of the great hallmarks (and potential scourges) of our American society is the importance placed on convenience. In general, I view it as a good thing. Razor blades show up at my house. I carry 1,000 songs in my pocket. I just ordered my favorite pretzels for the office online. I buy books online, or digitally. We have our milk delivered. As a society, we have sacrificed some of the old things we loved (manual transmission) for things that make our lives easier (remote controls).


Where do you fit in? As a massage and bodywork professional, you are in the service business. Consider your attitude, hours, and location. Are you convenient for your clients?
