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I sometimes struggle with what to say in my blog, but if you can’t write a blog posting at Thanksgiving, what good are you? Here are my thoughts as we approach Thanksgiving 2010.

Part of being thankful is recognizing and supporting those who have not been as fortunate and appreciating that in some occasions you have been spared.

I have spoken with many of our members over the past year and have heard about the challenges that many of you face, in particular due to the economy. I talked to a member last week who is working like crazy in an attempt to pay the rent and support her children and grandchild, who have recently moved in with her.

I think of the unspeakable horror faced by the citizens of Haiti, whose tragedy moved off the headlines but hasn’t ended, or the victims of the floods in Pakistan.

I think of the pain my mother-in-law endured through her fight with cancer, and the pain of missing her that my wife bears.

In comparison, most of the mundane challenges that we face every day are minor swells on otherwise smooth seas.

I give thanks for a wonderful family, the work I have been blessed to do, the friends I get to do it with, and the wonderful people I get to do it for.

I wish you all health, peace, and a fully-booked practice schedule this Thanksgiving.
