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Thanks and Praise


It's Thanksgiving, and in many venues you will see writers giving thanks for their many good fortunes. Well, here's another.

We at ABMP exist to serve our members and, broadly, the profession. It is our members, however, who provide us with so much-suggestions, support, praise, occasional constructive criticism. There would be no ABMP without our members. We are an important entity in the profession thanks to every one of you. We'll do our best to keep earning your confidence. Please accept our deepest gratitude.

Thanks to Charlie, my yellow Lab who is a shining example of how to live life stress-free.

Thanks to Leslie Young Giase, for reminding me that my writing is not quite perfect (but is after she looks at it!).

Thanks to Tracy Rains, who has greeted me with a smile and "hello" first thing in the morning 99.8% of the time the last 11 years. No better way to start the workday.

Thanks to Jenny Good, who always makes me think.

Thanks to ABMP's membership department, who makes us the service leader 300+ times a day.

Thanks to Laura Allen, who thanked me in her Thanksgiving blog. You're welcome.

Thanks to G. Love and Special Sauce.

Thanks to Anne, Taffie, Mel, Jenn, Kathy, and Brian; Jean; Lara, Marlene, and David; Darren, Amy, James, Angie, Mary, Jodi, Karrie, and Nora; Katie, Jesse, Debbie, Kristine, and Kate; Connie and Carolyn; Matt, Leroy, and Erin. And thanks to Bob, too.

Thanks to the Sweeneys as well-the ones who came before me, are with me now, and those who will carry on after me. And thanks to Granny, too.

Also, thanks for electricity, indoor plumbing, satellite television, and- especially-Swedish massage.
