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Christmas in August




I got my cast off today. After five days in the red version, 12 days in the blue version, and four weeks in the orange version, I am out of casts and into a (black) walking boot for the next week. This boot is just a temporary transition to a shoe. Physical therapy starts tomorrow and, of course, my usual dose of massage therapy will continue.


As I’ve mentioned before here, my July injury and subsequent surgery are just minor inconveniences compared to the challenges others face. But that doesn’t change the fact I was SO ready to get out the cast. I told my wife before I went to bed last night, “It feels like the night before Christmas. I can’t wait to get up in the morning.”


So much of what we do in life is incremental, but often we don’t fully appreciate the small victories. We always want to win the lottery, get “done,” get to the finish line. Adulthood reminds you there is no finish line, which is both good and bad. The game never ends, but playing the game is really the point, isn’t it?


Sent your first email marketing blast? Nice job! Met a new potential client? Good for you. Celebrate the small victories in life; they add up to the big ones.


Today was a good day. On to the next challenge.
