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California Massage Therapy Council
One Capitol Mall, Suite 320
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-669-5336
Fax: 916-669-5337

> Website

Voluntary Certification
Title: Certified Massage Therapist
Requirement: Pass a CAMTC-approved competency assessment exam; requirement paused until 2027
Renewal: no CEU requirement/2 years

CAMTC Fee Increase—Contact Your Legislators

The California Massage Therapy Council approved a $100 certification fee increase—a 50 percent markup from the previous $200. Now is the time to forward your comments to your legislators to explain how this affects you.

Update on Potential CAMTC Fee Increase

The California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) gave notice that fee increases may be discussed at its meeting Tuesday, November 29. Attend the meeting to voice your opinion or submit written commentary before November 19.

CAMTC May Consider Fee Increases

The California Massage Therapy Council gave notice that fee increases may be discussed at its meeting on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. Consider whether you support or oppose an increase and contact ABMP’s Government Relation’s team at for more information about the upcoming meeting.

California Massage Licensing

The California massage therapy community has an opportunity to join 45 other licensed states by instituting professional licensing in place of the current uneven, incomplete voluntary certification process administered by a private organization, the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC).

California Seeks Deregulations

ABMP is in favor of Senate Bill 803 to further the sunset of the Barbering and Cosmetology Board, with some suggested amendments. ABMP is concerned about deregulating haircutting, hairstyling, and eyelash extensions, and including massage in the scope of practice for estheticians. ABMP details the potential negative impact on public health and safety.

Comments on California Senate Bill 803

ASCP, AHP, and ANP are in favor of Senate Bill 803, furthering the sunset of the Barbering and Cosmetology Board, with some suggested amendments. The Associations are concerned about the deregulation of haircutting and hairstyling currently in the bill and the potential negative impact on public health and safety.

California Massage Therapy Sunset Review

After being postponed in 2020, the California Massage Therapy Act is up for sunset review this legislative session. The Committee on Business and Professions is hosting a meeting Tuesday, March 9, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. PST and you can attend virtually. You can also submit comments to the committee if you think CAMTC should continue or licensure should be considered.