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CAMTC May Consider Fee Increases


The California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) gave notice that fee increases may be discussed at its meeting on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. CAMTC is required to give notice of a potential fee revision discussion.

There has been no indication how much of a fee increase CAMTC might be considering. Please email to let us know if you are interested in attending the meeting. Your attendance is an opportunity to learn about a potential fee increase and to testify, whether in favor or in opposition. ABMP should know the location of the meeting in early November.

Fees in California
CAMTC certification remains voluntary in California. However, many local jurisdictions require CAMTC certification to practice in their community. Current fees are $200 for an initial certification application and $200 for a certification renewal, each renewal covering two years.  

California has the largest number of massage therapists in the country. CAMTC estimates there are approximately 50,000 CAMTC-certified massage therapists. At $200 an individual and with about 50,000 massage therapists renewing or applying, CAMTC collects approximately $5 million in administrative fees annually.

Fees Across America
While CAMTC-certified massage therapists must pay application and renewal fees of $200 each, only seven of the 45 states that license massage therapy have an application fee higher than $200, and only five have a renewal fee higher than $200. The most common initial/application fees across the nation range between $100–$120. The most common renewal fees range between $60–$100. Compared to California, other states have much smaller massage therapist populations.

California already has among the highest application and renewal fees in the country, despite benefitting from the greatest economies of scale. Consider whether you support or oppose an increase. Please contact ABMP’s Government Relation’s team at for more information about the upcoming CAMTC meeting.
