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CE Hours Reduced in North Dakota

North Dakota SB 2085, discussed in our previous legislative update, was signed into law on April 8, 2015. The final version of the law amends the state’s massage therapy statute by reducing the number of continuing education hours required for massage therapists in North Dakota from 32 to 24, every two years.  The law also reduces the number of CE hours that can be earned remotely from 12 to nine, and requires three hours of ethics CE.  No CE is required during a licensee’s initial two-year licensing period.

ABMP Massage School Census Report Released

ABMP’s ninth biennial census of massage school programs—a comprehensive look at massage school and graduation numbers—was completed earlier this year. ABMP contacted more than 1,400 programs in our database and asked them one question: “How many students graduated from your primary massage program in 2014?”

Read the full report here:

New Arkansas Bill Would Transfer Massage Regulation to State Health Board

AR S 145 was recently introduced in the Arkansas state legislature.  The bill proposes to amend the Arkansas massage therapy law by abolishing the State Board of Massage Therapy and transferring all of the Board’s powers, duties, and functions, including rulemaking, licensing, and adjudications, to the Arkansas State Board of Health.  We will keep you informed of important developments on this bill.

Arkansas Bills Would Exempt Bowen Technique from State License Requirement

Two new bills introduced in the Arkansas legislature, HB 1562 and HB 1589, seek to exempt practitioners of Bowen therapy and Bowen techniques from the state’s massage licensure requirement.  Under these bills, Bowen practitioners would not be required to hold a state massage license to practice in Arkansas as long as they are certified by a professional or credentialing agency which (1) requires a minimum level of training, demonstr

Oregon Bill Proposes Increasing Entry Level Education Standards and the Regulation of Bodywork

A new bill, Oregon SB 298, has been introduced in the Oregon Senate that proposes to regulate bodywork practitioners in same manner that Oregon law currently regulates massage therapists.  Under the bill, those practicing bodywork would be required to obtain a state license, just as massage practitioners are currently required to do.  “Bodywork” is defined in the bill as:  “any form of touch therapy that uses manipulation, movement, energy or repatterning to produce structural and functiona

Washington Bill Proposes Criminal Penalties for Business Owners Who Allow Unlicensed Practice

A new bill introduced in the Washington state legislature, HB 1252, would amend the state’s massage therapy law by imposing new criminal penalties on massage and reflexology business owners who allow unlicensed practice in their businesses.  The bill states that any person who, “with knowledge or criminal negligence,” allows the unlicensed practice of massage or reflexology in his or her massage or reflexology business is guilty of a gross misdemeanor for the first violation, and a class C felony fo

Alaska Massage Therapy Board Has Been Appointed

The members of the Alaska Board of Massage Therapists have been appointed by the Governor, and the Board held its first Board meeting on February 5 and 6, 2015.  Information about the Board, and the agenda for the February Board meeting, can be found here.Â