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Top Trends in Massage Report from Mindbody

Research conducted by Mindbody shows that 60 percent of all integrative health users enjoyed at least one massage in the last year. See what keeps your clients coming back—and how to bring even more people closer to wellness.

Coronavirus and Your Practice

As you know, there’s a great deal of information—and confusion—about the nature and scope of COVID-19 or the “coronavirus.” Because of the physical nature of your work with clients, this is the perfect time to review and follow standard practice hygiene protocols including frequent, thorough hand washing and frequent cleaning of all surface areas.

Episode 8 of the Thinking Practitioner Podcast Now Available

Massage & Bodywork authors Whitney Lowe and Til Luchau, two of the leading educators in manual therapy, bodywork, and massage therapy, delve into key challenges in the massage therapy field in the newest episode of the Thinking Practitioner Podcast.

Episode 6 of The Thinking Practitioner Podcast Now Available

Massage & Bodywork authors Whitney Lowe and Til Luchau, two of the leading educators in manual therapy, bodywork, and massage therapy, delve into considerations for hands-on work with tendinopathies and tendon issues in the newest episode of the Thinking Practitioner Podcast.