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Fighting COVID Exhaustion: 3 Steps to Help You Forge Ahead

A woman lying on her back looking up at the ceiling in thought

As we continue to navigate this pandemic, it’s important we don’t give in to the exhaustion, the overwhelm. More than ever, now is the time to gather our resolve, honor our emotions, and commit to our self-care as we work to make it through to the other side.

CranioSacral Therapy Training with The Upledger Institute

A woman on her back receiving craniosacral therapy

Upledger Institute International offers classes in more than 50 countries, and now has more than 125,000 alumni. In this blog post, we speak to the Upledger Institute about CranioSacral Therapy and the institute's educational programs.

Expert Spotlight: Massage & Spa Success

Gael Wood, owner, Massage & Spa Success

Massage & Spa Success offers education and training for massage and spa therapists in the areas of marketing, business start up, customer service and spa services. Find out how they can help you boost your business.

ISPA and CIDESCO Announce New Collaboration

The International SPA (ISPA) Association and CIDESCO, a beauty and spa therapy training organization, are collaborating to elevate and celebrate careers in the global spa industry. 

Hyperpronation: The Hidden Key to Resolving Sciatic Pain

Coaching the Body Institute's logo

A client suffering from sciatic pain comes to see you. Where do you start your assessment? Back when I started out as a therapist, I would’ve focused strictly on the hips and low back. But after 15 years of clinical observation, one thing has become abundantly clear: sciatic and knee pain often start where the feet meet the ground.

Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Lymphedema

A systematic review published in the August 2020 issue of Journal of Cancer Survivorship: Research and Practice examined the effectiveness of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) therapy for those at risk of or living with lymphedema.