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Vacancies on the New Jersey Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy


Your voice, experience, and industry knowledge are invaluable assets to your practice, and they may be complementary contributions to the New Jersey Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy (Board). There are three vacancies on the Board for licensed massage and bodywork therapists.

Being a board member is an excellent opportunity to combine the massage community’s collective viewpoints, visions, and hopes for New Jersey. We encourage you to apply—serving on a board is a way to become more engaged in your profession and learn about state government.

Am I Qualified?
Board members serve three-year terms and must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a New Jersey resident
  • Be licensed as a massage and bodywork therapist
  • Have at least five years of working industry experience

Note: No more than one member of the Board can be an owner of, or be affiliated with, a school teaching massage and bodywork therapy.

How Do I Apply?
Interested and eligible individuals can apply online. Once on the landing page, select “New Jersey Board of Massage and Bodywork Therapy.” Should you have any questions or concerns, contact the Governor's Appointments Office at 609-777-0251.

About the Board
The Board’s primary mission is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the people of New Jersey by regulating the practice of massage and bodywork therapy and safeguarding practice compliance. The Board works to ensure that massage and bodywork therapists meet educational licensing requirements, performs investigative processes, oversees license renewals, and establishes standards for continuing education. Learn more about the Board here, and if you have questions, email

Apply for a board position and help shape the massage industry in New Jersey!
