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Recent News and Legislative Updates

Georgia House bill 141 was amended through the process to require that only an establishment that offers massage or bodywork services by a person who is not a massage therapist must post a notice which contains…

Senate bill 573 failed to pass the state legislature this year. The bill would have changed the current state certification (title protection) program, to a mandatory licensing (practice act) program. The bill would have also expanded the authority of the State Board of Massage Therapy by…

Governor Kitzhaber signed Senate Bill 387 into law on June 13, 2013. Beginning January 1, 2014, “massage facilities,” meaning any “facility where a person engages in the practice of massage,” will be…

Senate bill 151 extends the Colorado Massage Therapy Practice Act, the law that regulates massage therapists in Colorado, until 2022. SB 151 does not make any drastic changes to the existing massage law; however, it does…

As we noted in our April 2012 legislative update, Senate Bill 6103 amended Washington’s massage licensing statute by requiring that reflexologists who do not have a Washington State massage license must obtain a state…

As we noted in our April 2012 legislative update, Senate Bill 6103 amended Washington’s massage licensing statute by requiring that reflexologists who do not have a Washington State massage license must obtain a state…

Last fall we notified our California members that Senate Bill 1193, which added section 52.6 to the California Civil Code, would be requiring that massage establishments -- except those that employ only…

Last fall we notified our California members that Senate Bill 1193, which added section 52.6 to the California Civil Code, would be requiring that massage establishments -- except those that employ only…

Applications for Idaho licensing are now available. This is not voluntary. All massage therapists are required to obtain a license by July 1, 2013 in order to practice. We recommend that you begin the license application process as soon you can.

As we discussed in our last legislative update, HB 1126 initially proposed to repeal South Dakota’s Massage Therapy Act. However, a compromise amendment was achieved which deleted the repeal language and instead made several improvements to the massage law, including:

  • Removing…