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Oklahoma Massage Therapy Licensing Bill Introduced


A new bill, OK SB 687, has been introduced in the Oklahoma State Senate which, if passed, would require that all Oklahoma massage therapists obtain a state massage therapy license in order to practice. Additionally, anyone using any title indicating that he or she is a massage therapist, or who uses the term "massage" in advertising, would be required to have a massage therapy license. Click here to read the bill. The bill is currently in the initial stages of the state legislative process and may or may not become law in Oklahoma.

If the SB 687 is passed, the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision (Board) would be authorized to issue massage therapy licenses, establish rules for continuing education, and investigate license holders for violations.

The bill states that during the period of November 1, 2015 until May 1, 2016, the Board may grant a temporary license to an applicant who has (1) completed 500 hours of massage education from a state-licensed school and has been a massage therapist in Oklahoma for at least one year, or (2) practiced massage therapy for at least three years in Oklahoma, or (3) completed 750 hours of massage education from a state-licensed school. All temporary licenses would expire on May 1, 2016, at which point each person must have taken and passed a massage therapy examination adopted by the Board.

ABMP is in favor of limited, reasonable state regulation of the massage profession in the interest of public safety. We do want to see a few changes in the bill, such as a standard grandfathering provision, and are in contact with the bill sponsor. We will keep our members apprised of developments on OK SB 687 as they occur.
