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Massage & Bodywork Nov/Dec Digital Edition Available


The November/December 2015 digital edition of Massage & Bodywork magazine is now available.

In this issue: 

Massage for Moms-to-Be

Massaging a pregnant woman is an honor and a privilege, and this rewarding specialty comes with tremendous responsibility. Explore how competent and appropriate training is essential for the safety of mother and baby.

By Elaine Stillerman


Baby Watch

Massage for expectant mothers is more comprehensive than you may think. Bodywork for women’s necks and extremities is crucial.

By Carole Osborne


8 Tips for Getting Your Practice Started

It’s the rare MT who has unlimited funds to kick-start a practice. Here are some fresh ideas for bootstrapping your way to success.

By Susan Epperly


Help Clients Manage Chronic Pain

More than 100 million Americans live with chronic pain. This discussion of pain models provides some solutions for your clients.

By Mark Liskey


... and more! 


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