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Living with Chronic Back Pain: A Client's Perspective Webinar with Diana Thompson


"Living with Chronic Back Pain: A Client's Perspective" with Diana Thompson will be available free to the entire massage and bodywork profession until August 17. Simply register online for access to watch the on-demand webinar, one of the 100+ available to ABMP members.

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Chronic pain has far-reaching effects, requiring a biopsychosocial approach to treatment. This presentation will discuss the many layers of dysfunction beyond the physical manifestations—fatigue, fear, isolation, frustration, abandonment, etc.—and how bodyworkers are well-equipped to address the multifaceted and diverse needs of the individual living with pain. Untreated and undertreated pain is the most pervasive health problem today, affecting an estimated 1 in 5 adults. This problem is further complicated by the dependency on prescription drugs used to treat pain. Prolonged use of prescription drugs has been shown to worsen pain symptoms and pose substantial risk. Conventional medical practitioners are desperately seeking alternatives to pain medications; research on massage, movement, and mindfulness-based approaches to treating pain are promising. We are uniquely positioned to assist a pain client in finding a path to living a fuller life with or without pain, given the breadth and scope of our work, and the healing environments in which we practice. The key to a successful therapeutic relationship is to understand the pain conundrum from the client’s perspective: get to know their thoughts and feelings, their needs and wants, and make sure the client feels heard, understood, and involved. Empower and motivate clients to engage in self-care activities and help them discover their individual ability to heal. Learn to investigate the story behind the pain, and explore ways to address the physical, emotional, and social aspects of the dysfunction, both passively and actively, during the session and between sessions.
