Whenever two surfaces need to glide—like tendon sheaths, the pericardium and the heart, or two muscles along each other—hyaluronic acid ensures everything goes smoothly.
Incorporating massage therapy into a comprehensive treatment plan for lumbar disc and myofascial pain can help clients address overall low-back pain, achieve improved function, reduce pain, gain greater freedom of movement, and get a better quality of life.
The feet and legs are sometimes ignored in massage treatment. Yet, lower-extremity massage has resounding effects throughout the kinetic chain of our body.
There are several potential causes of plantar foot pain, including the most common, plantar fasciitis. Other nerve entrapment syndromes, such as tarsal tunnel syndrome, Morton’s neuroma, and Baxter’s neuropathy, can also cause plantar foot pain.
4 Nineteen Education & Training was founded to support professional growth in massage therapy, while the Black Massage Therapists Facebook group and Conference were created to build community and address challenges faced by Black therapists.