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Massage & Bodywork Article Submission

Massage & Bodywork is published six times per year for professional practitioners of massage, bodywork, and somatic therapies, as well as for members of the general public with an interest in the field. Unsolicited submissions are accepted. We suggest potential writers study recent issues before sending queries or manuscripts. All manuscripts should be emailed to Forward an attachment in Microsoft Word format or copy the proposed feature into the body of the email.

If accepted, Massage & Bodywork negotiates for North American rights and electronic rights. The editorial team reserves the right to edit or rewrite any article to make it suit the theme, style, or space limitations of a specific issue. Major alterations will be discussed with the author. It is always acceptable, even beneficial, to include photographs and/or illustrations with the submission. Authors are compensated on a case-by-case basis once submission is accepted.

Massage & Bodywork looks for interesting, tightly focused stories concerning a particular modality or technique of massage, bodywork, and somatic therapies. The editorial staff welcomes the opportunity to review manuscripts that may be relevant to the field of massage and bodywork practices, in addition to selected pieces pertaining to complementary and alternative medicine. This would include the widely varying modalities of massage and bodywork, specific technique articles, and ancillary therapies. Pieces specific to anatomy, medical conditions, and contraindications are welcome. Research-related articles and accounts of formal and informal case studies are of interest.

Other articles of interest to Massage & Bodywork magazine include those relating to legalities/legislation, business or practice building, success stories, health care, insurance, and politics of the profession.

On a limited basis, articles about people who have had an impact on the fields of massage, bodywork, and somatic therapies are welcome. The story should relate the person’s connection with the field, why their contribution is important, how their students or clients have been affected by their work, etc. Photographs of the person in action or posed photos may accompany the article.

Articles are not scheduled for a specific issue until they’re complete and accepted. We follow Chicago Manual of Style. Word count for articles: 1,500 to 3,500 words.

Because this is a bimonthly publication, it may be a matter of months before your article appears in print. The decision as to whether the article will be used is generally made within 45 days of receipt of a query. We assume no responsibility for material submitted. Neither Massage & Bodywork nor Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals assumes any responsibility for unsolicited materials.

We do not accept poetry or fiction.

Photo Requirements

Only high quality prints or high-resolution (at least 300 dpi) digital images will be accepted. All images should be accompanied by captions identifying each subject. Artwork supplied by someone other than the manuscript author should be clearly identified for credit, along with necessary releases. Images will not be returned after publication.