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Who We Are


ABMP conducts a member survey every two years as a way to take our members’ pulse and gain a better understanding of who they are, what they do, and what services and resources we should provide for them (or stop providing, as the case may be). We just completed this survey and I’ve been able to sneak a peek at some preliminary data (it’s good to be the president). A bit about surveys: on occasion members contact us and ask why they weren’t included. Without subjecting you to my grad school statistics lecture (you’re welcome), nearly every survey/poll conducted relies heavily on sampling. In short, we establish a subset of members whose characteristics and responses will adequately speak for the entire group. Typical reasons for sampling, instead of surveying the entire population, are money and time. The key is to make sure you have an adequate sample size. In our case, we are blessed; ABMP members traditionally are very willing participants when we ask for feedback. Thank you to all of you who share your insights. A more robust review of our member survey will be published in the January/February edition of ABMP’s member newsletter, Different Strokes, but I thought I’d share a snapshot of what we know already, compiled in the ever-popular Fun Facts/Did You Know? format.

  • Five out of six ABMP members (and massage professionals in general) are female.
  • Nearly 85% of members attended college; 53% obtained a degree (two-year, four-year, or graduate).
  • All members report being one year older than they were at this time last year. Just making sure you’re paying attention.
  • Quiz time: among our members, which modality is practiced more—pregnancy massage or stone massage?
  • Average session length for our members is between 50 and 75 minutes.
  • Three in four members have kept their prices the same over the past year.
  • Members report nearly half (45%) of all new clients are referred by existing clients. Keep brushing your teeth and smiling.
  • Answer: stone massage by a nose (52% to 48%).
  • One in seven receives third-party health insurance reimbursement.
  • One-third of members reported making more from their practice in this year. One-fourth made less money; 41% stayed the same.
  • Only three in eight have a website for their practice. WHAT? When you can have a free one from ABMP? I’d like some answers, please, folks.
  • 98% report receiving “friendly, responsive, and professional” service from ABMP. Thank you; we’ll get to work on that last 2%.