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What's Your Number?


People talk about money a lot. And I’ve never met someone who said, “Yeah, I make enough. Too much, actually.” Right or wrong, that’s just not the American Way. Most Americans wish they made more, or had more.

Too much of anything isn’t good for you—for example, vitamins, cake, jazz, and episodes of the Simpsons (I take that back—you can’t have too much Simpsons).

But how much is enough money when it comes to your massage and bodywork practice?

Here’s a sentence I would love for full-time professionals (meaning: massage & bodywork is your only income) to complete:

This year, I will be satisfied to earn $________________.

Post your thoughts in the comments section below, and you can remain anonymous if you would prefer. Why am I asking? I am wondering what the definition of financial success (or even sustainability) looks like for massage and bodywork professionals today. When someone asks, “What does a massage therapist make?” what is the most practical—yet desirable—answer for someone who only practices massage and does not have a second job?
