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Massage is for EveryBody Awards Deadline Sept. 1 - Tell Us Your Story


ABMP is giving $1,000 awards to 10 practitioners as part of ABMP's Massage is for EveryBody campaign.

Massage therapists and bodyworkers from around the country participated in this year’s Massage is for EveryBody Week, held in July. We hope you found meaningful ways to not only celebrate the work you do, but also share it with underserved populations in your communities.

As an extension of this weeklong celebration held each year, and to honor and support massage therapists and bodyworkers, ABMP is giving $1,000 awards to 10 practitioners who embody the five guiding principles behind ABMP’s Massage is for EveryBody campaign.

Guiding principles

1. Serve as advocates for the powerful physical and emotional benefits of massage and bodywork.

2. Support and advocate for efforts that bring massage and bodywork to underserved populations.

3. Spread awareness of career options in the massage and bodywork profession.

4. Honor the healing role practitioners play in our communities.

5. Emphasize the importance of self-care, including receiving regular bodywork, for massage therapists and bodyworkers, and their clients.

How do you embody these principles? Tell us your story.

  • Submit your information here and, in 300 words or fewer, tell us what you are doing in your practice to support one or more of the guiding principles behind the Massage is for EveryBody campaign.
  • Deadline: September 1, 2022
  • Winners will be announced in October.

Read about last year’s Massage is for EveryBody award winners here.