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Let's Make a Deal


  Blog Two of 2012 continues the onslaught of practice-building genius (okay, that might be an overstatement). But this is one of my pet ideas that perhaps when shown the light of day doesn’t rate, but I’ll leave that for you to decide.   Regardless, I keep coming back to it; if I had my own practice (beyond the Sweeney family), I would offer this deal to two or three people. Like Jimmy Fallon says, “Who doesn’t want more money?” I think any therapist would be willing to lock in three hours a week, right?   Here it is: So am I crazy, or is this an idea all independent therapists should be offering to help boost their regular bookings?   Feedback, as always, appreciated.           Prefer to receive more random nonsense from Les in small doses? Follow him on Twitter — @abmp_les.    
