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Ignite Your Career





I recently had the privilege of attending the premiere of a workshop crafted by our ever-industrious Education Department, titled “Ignite Your Career!” This three-hour experience is designed for students, and builds off our successful Instructors on the Front Lines workshops we have offered to massage and bodywork instructors the past four years.

What’s exciting about this particular workshop is that it’s  directed at a new audience (students) and it’s presented by our very own Cindy Williams (pictured above with some stiff).

Cindy came to ABMP in 2010 with solid experience as a massage therapist and an instructor, and serves our Education Department as a school liaison. She had added pressure the day her workshop debuted because ABMP Chairman Bob Benson and I were in the audience, but she really delivered the goods. As expected, Cindy was up to the challenge and shined. She joins a veritable All-Star team of professional presenters in our shop—Taffie Lewis, Kristin Coverly, and Anne Williams are three of the best presenters in the profession, hands down. We are truly spoiled by the talents of so many on our team, and these four women are prime examples.

The workshop’s subject matter includes great material for students, and easily applies to professionals as well. Based on the concept of developing your Emotional Intelligence, the workshop touches on self-empowerment and identifying your values, characteristics, and skills and talents, and culminates with developing a personal mission statement. Along the way, it addresses the topic of Career Values assessment, and helps you define the characteristics of your career and practice setting.

Just another day in the ABMP Education Department, producing more high-quality content for our members. Another example of how our work is never done—our team continues to look for ways to improve on the ABMP membership experience.


Road to Boston: Week 17

Not a bad week—my calf is cooperating (for the most part), and I have embraced an intensive massage regimen for the remaining 9 weeks before the race. A brisk 8½ mile run Saturday morning, 5 miles in pleasant weather Tuesday, and now a potentially snowy half-marathon this coming Sunday.


Care to receive more from Les, but in smaller bites? Follow him on Twitter at @abmp_les.




