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How to Thank Thoughtful Clients During the Holidays


Tingle gels, aromatherapy smells, mingle all the way ...

Oh, what fun it is to glide over clients’ vertebrae, hey!

’Tis the season to reward thoughtful clients! The spirit of the holidays is full of warmth, appreciation, and showing others that you care. On ABMP’s social media, I recently asked how you thank clients for their thoughtful behavior, and I thought it might be useful to share tips from fellow massage therapists on potential client gifts for this holiday season.

What defines thoughtful behavior from a client? Maybe they are very respectful of your time and are consistently early for their appointments, they rarely cancel, they rebook regularly, or they often refer new clients. You shouldn’t feel obligated to reward clients for being considerate, but if you would like to show your appreciation, check out these ideas from fellow MTs about how they reward thoughtful clients during the holidays.

“During the Christmas season, I give out Epsom salt wrapped up with essential oils or body scrubs as my thank-you.”

—Carla Jung Campbell

“Sweet orange oil is an inexpensive and wonderful little gift that keeps on giving. I also know they feel my heart in my work each time, which we both are grateful for. I love my clients.”

—Crystal Joy Kelly

“Every client gets a piece of chocolate after their massage. Plus, I enter their name into a basket after their massage to win a monthly giveaway spa gift. I give them $10 off for their birthday and loyalty discount cards.”

—Mary Kelly

“When I raise rates for inflation, I don't raise theirs. They still get the same price they always paid. Plus, when I’m on maternity leave, I squeeze them in if it’s an emergency.”

—Deborah Louise Hutchings

“[I give them] a complimentary massage and a gift or gift of massage for a friend.”

—Barbara A. Miller

A little thank-you goes a long way! For more ideas about how to thank clients for thoughtful behavior, check out

—Tara Doyle, ABMP Social Media and Marketing Coordinator
